lazy summer days
Skye's 1st birthday invitation party:
Last week, Skye was invited to her first birthday party at an Australian friend. We met so many nice people and had a barbecue. They even had a ranger coming in with animals to entertain the kids.
By the way, that is not a dog next to Skye, it is a dingo, a wild dog which is, and that is what the ranger said, a relative to the wolf. They also had a snake, a couple of tree frogs, some blue tongue lizards and a frog mouth which looks like an owl.
Birthday parties are wildly fun in Oz!
Quarter Century
The Recovery Phase
It's currently 6 am and any normal unemployed person would be happily curled up in the warmth and comfort of their bed. I wish that I could be doing the same, as I've just purchased a new feather down duvet that makes my bed extra amazingly comfortable, especially in comparison to the rock solid mattress that I slept on in Dubai.
I'm tired and I have no commitments today that require my consciousness. Unfortunately, I'm also jet lagged. While convincing myself that I was immune to it after 18 months of constant globe hopping, it appears that crossing 10 time zones really confuses a person's body.
So here I am, wishing and hoping to be asleep, but wide awake instead. My lovely sleepy fiance was not too appreciative of my constant tossing and turning, so I gave up and accepted my defeat, leaving him to sleep in peace. I'm awake now, and it's going to be a long day.
Aside from my combined insomnia and fatigue, I've had a great first few days back home. I've spent time with my puppies, Ryan, and my mom. Ryan and I decided to get right back into our former routine, purchasing a gym membership and forcing our bodies to endure tough workouts. The post gym endorphins felt great, but day 3 and every inch of my body aches. Ryan and I are walking around sounding like an elderly couple, complaining about how sore we are with every step that we take. Getting back into it won't be easy, but we are determined to regain our former fitness level. Having a wedding in less than a year is good motivation.
As I spend my mornings lazing around the house, Ryan is off flying airplanes. This is still a bit odd to me, as we seem to have reversed roles. It's not often that I'm the one on the ground. I'm excited for him, and he loves the sky. It's nice to share in an interest that not many people have.
Yesterday we went to West Edmonton Mall, which I must add used to be the world's biggest until Dubai stole the title with the overpopulated Dubai Mall. Despite traveling to many great shopping destinations in my job, I rarely purchased new clothing and my wardrobe was desperately in need of an overhaul. I wandered from shop to shop, spending my hard earned cash on pretty new summer attire.
As we browsed a random homewares store, I spotted one of my very best friends from college. "Davey!!!" I screamed, excitedly. This was a huge surprise, as neither of us actually live in Edmonton, nor do we visit it very often. Davey lived in the dorm room across from mine and I believe that a time or 2 (okay, more like a few times a week) I wandered into his dorm and browsed his kitchen for food more appealing than what was in mine. It was great to see him again after so many years. It just so happened that Ryan and I had dinner plans with my friend Carley, who was my roommate in my college days. Davey joined us and we giggled about old times and laughed at how some things still hadn't changed. We've all matured, but only boring people ever truly grow up. It was a great night, and I left happy to be home. There are just so many amazing people in my life here!
Next up is a rather large party in honour of my homecoming and (this one is tough to admit) my 25th birthday. I'll be reunited with friends, family, and my favourite foods. I'm looking forward to it and I'm sure that there will be photos and stories to follow!
guess who's back?
Rolling cart...check!
Water bottle and snacks...check!
Notebook, pen, highlighter...check!
Registration forms and directions...check!
Amber necklace to prevent headaches...and Tylenol in case it doesn't work...check!
Willingness to be out of my comfort zone...check!
This past weekend, I went to my fourth homeschool convention. I had already been to one a few months back with my husband (we go annually, just the two of us, as an excuse to get away alone and as a way to take time to re-assess our path for our children's education) so this was a girls-only weekend.
I went with my two friends Barbara and Polly (names have been changed to protect their high-profile identities...*grin*) in a borrowed black Mercedes. It's been AGES since I've been on a road trip with just friends and well, it was awful! Just was AWESOME!!!!!!!!
After spending 24/7/365 with my three perfect, cherubic children (Hm-mmmm), getting away with some of my girlfriends was like a pickle when you're pregnant! and yes, I will be using a LOT of exclamation points in this was that fun!!!!!!!
Barbara (a homeschool newbie) booked a delightful little suite for us in a hotel situated at the side of rushing river with rocky outcroppings and waterfalls, and right down the block from a quaint outdoor shopping mall that just happened to be having a street fair that night. (!!!!) Delightful!!!
Polly and I, being homeschool veterans (well, Polly more so than I) were anxious to make sure that Barbara's first homeschool convention was as, um, informative? as possible. Between the walks to find yummy restaurants, phone calls from our husbands and children, unsuccessful efforts to find moist chocolate cake, and getting lost on the highway, we managed to exhaust poor Barbara's ears with endless prattle about this speaker and that, and all the wonderful curriculum we have used.
We also did actually ATTEND the convention, spent some money (ack!) and learned some things. God's timing is perfect and allowed Barbara to get some answers to some difficult questions she had about a child with a reading issue and to feel very encouraged and ready to press forward. Polly was able to attend a session covering the topic of "motivating high-schoolers"... Mwa-HAHAHA! So glad I'm not there yet, but so glad she was there so she can tell me what to do when that day arrives!
As for me, well, let's just say that the Lord did not meet me at the convention itself.
He met me in the lounge area of our suite, in the form of Godly counsel from my friends.
He met me in the hallway of the convention center with the knowledge that NO, I didn't need to attend a particular session because what He was teaching me was far better and perfectly suited to my family.
He met me in the perfect, breezy weather...and in the beauty of the downtown architecture.
He met me in the delicious food, in the pleasant company, and in the respite from caring for others.
He showed up in the public restroom as I watched my friend Barbara ask the cleaning lady if her day was going well and she responded with a surprised smile on her face.
I saw His face in the faces of the children of large families taking care of one another in the rotunda while their parents attended conference sessions.
He whispered words of love and affirmation to my soul as I wandered around the vendor hall realizing (for the first time) that nothing I could buy there would make me a better parent or teacher.
He met me the convention.
{If you've never been to your local home educators convention, I would encourage you to try it out! Even if you are NOT a home educator, as long as you are an engaged parent, you will benefit! There are so many parenting and discipling resources there, and just general support for your job raising up the next generation, it's worth a trip, at least once! And who may have an unCONVENTIONal meeting of your own!}
one last thai-m
My excitement was building in the days leading up to the release of the June roster. Knowing that it would be my last month of flying, I was eager to see where I'd be sent. The day came and I opened the email to reveal just 2 flights. The first was my 48 hour Hong Kong, which I was very much looking forward to, and the second? Manchester.
It's a Delicious World!
Are You Getting in Your Own Way?
The person inside of you dying so that you can be reborn...
Getting in your own way, stopping yourself from overcoming, achieving, listening, bending, being humbled...
My selfish wants and needs are very often a loud, ugly voice, crowding my thoughts and blocking my ears to the truth
Over the past months, I've been slowly, very slowly dying inside. Rejoice with me over the things I've learned and the new person God is allowing me to become!
This is only the beginning of my adventure in dying but it's a good start...
When I'm tempted to argue with myself, or trip over my own feet, my turquoise table is my ever-present reminder that...