It's the first day of summer! It's a beautiful, sunny day and the sky is a bright shade of blue. Best of all, I'm home!!
After 18 hours in the sky and over 24 hours of total travel time, I arrived back in Alberta, Canada late last night. As sad as I was to say goodbye to my amazing friends in Dubai (especially my roommate Kim, Frances, Glen, Sam, and Tenaya, all of whom were at the airport as I fled the sandpit one last time), I can't describe how amazing it feels to be home.
I'm getting reacquainted with one time zone, small towns, family, the real world, my puppies, and my fiance. It's going to take some time to adjust to the normalcy of it all, but I'm looking forward to it! For now, I'm off to cuddle with my beloved puppy Titan as I recover from my jet lag.
Ahh, there is no place like home!