18 months ago I packed up my life and boarded a plane bound for Dubai. I'd never felt so many emotions at one time in my life... I was terrified, excited, happy and heartbroken. I'd spent years dreaming of that very moment. After great perseverance I was finally going to be able to call myself a flight attendant. I was off to see the world.
Leaving didn't come without sacrifice. I said goodbye to my boyfriend, my family, my friends, and my puppy. It wasn't easy, but this was the opportunity of a lifetime and I was definitely not going to let it slip through my fingers.
And so I set off for what would be a great adventure. I made amazing friends and experienced more in most months than many do in their entire lifetime. It's been one incredible journey. Without further ado, the purpose of this blog post is to inform you all of my resignation from my airline. A couple of weeks ago I went to meet with my manager to break the news. I'm leaving. It's been amazing, but it's time for me to move back to Canada and start the next chapter of my life.
This job and life in the Middle East has come with its share of ups and downs. I've dealt with homesickness and loneliness but I've also experienced happy moments that will live in my memory for the rest of my life. I'd be lying if I said that I won't miss it, but I'm looking forward to the future and all that comes with it.
What exactly does the future have in store for me? Well, I'm still trying to figure that out myself. If all goes to plan I'll be working in the same industry, because truth be told I really can't see myself doing anything else. You know how they say that some people are born to be doctors or teachers... it might sound silly, but I'm meant to fly. The sky is my home and for the first time in my life I've looked forward to going to work. I'm going to take some time off to relax and enjoy being back home, but stay tuned, my travel tales are far from over.
As most of you know, my non-career life has big things coming too. Ryan and I are planning a January 2012 wedding and I can't imagine being married and separated by an ocean. No, it's not the sole reason that I'm going home, but yes, it most certainly was a factor in my decision. I've never met anybody more suited to me. We are both so passionate about travel, photos, food, and aviation... in fact, just last week in Toronto he surprised me by announcing that while I've been hopping around the world, he's been in the process of obtaining his pilot's license. It's something that he's always wanted to do, and it means a lot to me that we share that common interest. The flight attendant will marry her pilot... how romantic!
This job has been hard work. I've been challenged emotionally and physically, dealing with jet lag and missing home more than I ever thought possible. If you ask me, it's been worth it. I feel like I'm a different person than I was a year and a half ago. I'm more adventurous, brave, and I know exactly what I want in life. I've accumulated dozens of passport stamps, hundreds of stories, and a bit unrelated, but I even gained a fiance.
It's not the end, but rather a new beginning. New memories are to be made, new adventures to be had. I'll miss the people that made this place that much more bearable. I've made some genuine friends and I'll never forget them.
Thanks for following the most crazy journey of my life so far. This blog evolved to become more popular than I could have imagined, and I'm truly grateful for the kind words and support I've received from those of you who read it.
Stick around, I promise to keep you updated as I continue my travels... and don't worry, I still have a couple more layovers that I'll be sure to write about before I depart the sandpit for good.
I'll leave you with a slideshow of some of my favourite moments that I've been blessed to experience.
Thank you, buh-bye.