I'm enjoying every minute of being back home in Canada. Well, almost every minute. There are a few moments when I'm overcome by frustration due to my pollen induced allergy symptoms, but once those moments pass I'm back to loving my life and the fact that I'm back where I belong.
For a quick sample of what I've been up to lately:
I turned 25 on June 24th. It was a quiet day that I actually started with a trip to the gym. I know... how rare and unheard of for me! Content with the fact that I'd done my daily exercise, I proceeded to begin what would be a weekend of over-eating. Ryan was flying airplanes all morning, so I lazed around the house with my puppies waiting patiently (sort of) for him to finish. When he did, we met up with my Grandma who took us for lunch and shopping for the next day's party. It wasn't too much of an eventful day, but I suppose that's what happens when you find that you've all of a sudden become a grown up!
We had dinner with my mom at a new restaurant in town called "The Rock". They serve delicious pizza and yummy cocktails in sand buckets! That pretty much summed up my birthday!

The next day, however, was far less low key. My mom had planned a huge birthday bash in my honour. It served as a welcome home party as well, and our house quickly filled up with tons of family and friends... and oh my goodness, food. It was like a never-ending buffet of deliciousness. Each person that arrived had something new and yummy. My personal favourites went with the theme of the party.
First off, my beautiful cake! How awesome was it?! It was perfectly suited to my travel-themed celebration. Best of all, it was chocolate cake and tasted great. I may have over-indulged a bit.

Also a hit, were my cookies. I'd had the idea before leaving Dubai, thinking that it would never actually work out. I'd failed to realize that my fiance is absolutely amazing and creative, and with the help of his mom we set to work creating these tasty little masterpieces. His mom did the baking and painted on the ocean, while Ryan meticulously drew on the continents. I finished the cookies off with the name and airport code of each city. In my biased opinion, I think that they turned out amazing.

The party was great, stretching late into the night. It was so nice to see so many people that I'd missed oh so much.
The rest of my days home have been rather uneventful. Being unemployed really isn't all that thrilling without a car or humans to keep me company. My family is gone all day, while Ryan flies every morning. I've been spending a lot of quality time with Titan and Armani, my fuzzy cuddly babies. On that note, I'll leave you with an overload of puppy photos, because they happen to be 2 of the loves of my life.