Explosion at Senses...

A gas explosion hit the Senses resort in Kaslik north of Beirut owned by my sister and her husband, on Saturday morning, the morning of New Year's eve. My mother called me in tears. The whole Senses team went for questioning. Everyone thought it was a terrorist attack. Everyone was screaming and shaking.
Later in the day,after further investigations, the explosion turned out to be the result of a gas pipeline leak, and that the blast was not an attempt to sabotage the resort. The blast caused only material damage, in the main lobby and the restaurant. No one got hurt.

I just want to say to my family and to the team of Senses, thank goodness you are safe, we love you, be brave and we are very sorry to hear about the horrible news but glad that no one got hurt. If there is anything we can do to support you and to help you, please do not hesitate...

Senses official website