
What a day! What a morning! Skye was screaming as if the house was on fire!
At 7:00 a.m., she runs into our bedroom screaming: " Mommy! Daddy! Santa was here! Santa was here! He got me a bike and lots of presents! He even ate his Christmas cookie which we left him and drank all his milk! His reindeer ate the carrots which we left, too!" As you can tell, it was a morning made of chocolates and sweets, sparkly wrapping paper and dreams. Wish you were all here to share our joy and happiness. We hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas.
After opening our gifts and having breakfast, we were invited for a Christmas lunch at our friends' house which was lovely, great food and lots of Mojitos.

The following day, we decided to head North for a bit of exploring for a few days. So we drove to Lancelin with its spectacular beaches.