I have nothing to blog about.
Life has been pretty uneventful this past week. Generally speaking, there isn't much wrong with uneventful, although it's a bit difficult for a blog addict such as myself. I want to write, I want to update you on my life... but alas, nothing is going on. I don't even have any delicious meals to brag about, because lately my diet has been made up of mainly super healthy meals. I know... how incredibly boring.
This week has consisted of killer gym sessions (my legs still hurt from Tuesday... today is Friday), unseasonably warm weather, and plenty of walks with my beloved puppies and friends.
In times like these where I can think of nothing better to do than ramble pointlessly, the only solution is to post photos. I may not be able to write on a daily basis but I almost always take at least a few photos. I once had a blog dedicated solely to photos, but I gave up updating it with the discovery of Flickr.
Anyways, there I go on rambling yet again. Come for a walk with me...

Despite the warm sunshiny days, there is no denying that autumn is fast approaching. I really do love this season, despite it's proximity to winter. I hate winter, with the exception of days spent cuddled by the fireplace sipping hot chocolate. And Christmas. Oh my goodness... I love Christmas.

My puppy Armani was born in the winter and thus has never experienced autumn and all of its crunchy yellow leaves glory. We went for a walk down by the river, and although she was a bit wary of the leaves falling around her, she seemed to enjoy herself.
In an attempt to interact with more of the human species, I met up with my friend Michaelle and her beautiful kids Layla and Alier, who happen to be my niece and nephew by default. Don't ask how that works, it just does. I love these kids and they make such gorgeous little models.
Well, that brings us to today, which is Friday! I may not currently be working (10 more days!) but I'm still very excited about the fact that the weekend is here as it brings my newly employed fiance back home for a few days! I hope that everyone has a wonderful weekend! I certainly plan to!