As far back as I can remember, I've loved food. While most parents had to think of creative ways to get their children to eat their dinner, mine had to stop me from eating everything in sight.
Getting a job as a flight attendant was a dream come true... it meant that I could sample some authentic dishes from countries all around the world! This blog evolved into somewhat of a food journal as I bragged about the delicious meals that I'd indulged in during my layovers. I may be home now, but it doesn't mean that I'm not still overindulging instead of falling into the typical bride's pre-wedding health kick.
Last week Ryan and I made a trip to Edmonton so that he could meet with his future boss to set up a start date for his new job. I waited patiently in the car, contemplating what we would eat for dinner. There are far more options in the big city! After a recommendation from a friend, we decided to feast on Greek food. Our destination was a restaurant called "Koutouki Taverna". We were led to our table hidden away to give us plenty of privacy. It didn't take us long to decide... we'd try the seafood mezze platter! We were brought dish after dish of delicious samples, easily enough to feed 4 people but enjoyed only by the 2 of us. Tzatziki, hummus, stuffed vine leaves, prawns, calamari, Greek potatoes, rice, and so much more that I can't even remember it all to list it! Needless to say, we left feeling quite full.

The next day had even more food in store for us. Once a year the famous Calgary Stampede takes place in Alberta, bringing with it a rodeo, midway rides and games, and best of all... carnival food! We were up extra early to drive to the city to meet up with Ryan's parents. We loaded up on a pancake breakfast before hitting the midway. Our first snack of the day was an ice cream bar dipped in chocolate and coated with peanuts. Mmm! Next on the list was bannock, a traditional Native Canadian bread. After a couple of overpriced rides and games, we grabbed a fresh lemonade and headed inside to watch the Ice Show, where Olympic champions (and my former idols) Jamie Sale and David Pelletier were performing. Once the show was over, Ryan's parents hit the road as the two of us stayed for more fun and food. For lunch was a jumbo hot dog, followed by another ice cream, later followed by Dippin' Dots and finally, MORE ice cream! We really didn't need the last serving, but it was free and I'm quite certain that saying no to free ice cream is completely unacceptable.
We left before we had the chance to eat anything else, heading home to visit with Ryan's cousin's brand new son... only 2 days old and so sweet!!
Another week over, and we are likely a few pounds heavier.
I really should make use of my gym membership.
Ryan is preparing for his flight test this week... after which he'll officially be a pilot and we'll officially be on vacation! We are in the process of planning an amazing road trip and I'll be sure to blog all about it!