I tend to be a random person, full of random thoughts and endless brilliant (at the time) ideas.
My mind is constantly on the go, keeping me awake during times that I should be doing other more important things such as sleeping... times such as now. Instead, I feel the need to write a blog and enlighten you lovely readers about what truly goes on in the mind of Krysta.
This week's most common thoughts:
- This blog. Today, my 85th follower decided to tag along for the ride! As a person who religiously reads many blogs and wishes that mine could be more like theirs, I must say, it's an honour! I never imagined that I'd have anything interesting enough to say that would keep so many people coming back time and time again, but thank you, all of you! You make it fun and motivate me to keep my blog updated, even though I've been lazy in recent weeks.
- All things wedding. With only 8 months to go until we say "I Do!", Ryan and I are lost in a sea of decisions... Which resort to choose? What about a photographer? With each question that we ask together, I'm faced with another 10 of my own. Should I wear my hair up or down? What colour combination should our decor be? Am I turning into Bridezilla? Feel free to give me your input on any of these questions. If you'd like to read more wedding-ish blogs, I've got another blog dedicated to that since I know that not everyone here cares about my silly predicaments. You can read it here.
- Where is home? There will come a day in the not too distant future when I'll take off the red lipstick and uniform one last time and return to my home country to stay. In case you didn't know, Canada is a huge country. Which city will I live in?? Ryan and I are currently trying to choose between 2 locations, both with career opportunities that await him. I can honestly say, at this point I haven't even the slightest idea what will happen, but we need to make a decision soon!
- Is there life after cabin crew? When I do finally go home, what will I do? I most certainly love my job and would like to continue doing it, but what if none of the airlines want me? And what happens when some day Ryan and I decide to have kids? Don't get too ahead of yourselves ( this means you, Grandma) It's not in the cards yet, but hey, I have to think ahead. How does one go manage to be a mom and a jet setter at the same time? Any input from flying mama's would be greatly appreciated. I feel as though I need a backup plan, but I don't know what that plan should be. I wish that I possessed some amazing talent that would pay the bills.
- What is there to do in Austria? A bit of a more random thought, but a common one these days. With a few days off at the end of the month, I'm taking advantage of my industry discounts and hopping on a flight to Vienna. Why Vienna? Because the flights weren't full and I have my heart set on trying Sacher-Torte chocolate cake in its original birth place. I haven't got a clue what I'll do for 4 days aside from eat cake and take photos, but you'll most definitely hear about it when I return.
- Photography. Even before I was engaged to a super talented photographer, I loved taking photos. My job gives me the opportunity to see many photogenic places and I have a great camera that I spent a small fortune on. I'm so envious of those who have a natural gift when it comes to taking photos. I see beautiful things and try to capture them, but it just doesn't work for me sometimes. My camera does so many amazing things, and I feel that I'm not using it to its potential. Maybe I'm just getting pickier. Who knows, but I really want to take better photos. There is a link to my Flickr photostream on the side of this page, in case you are tired of reading about my life and would rather see photos. I prefer books with photos myself, so I fully understand.
- Ryan. Well duh, he's always on my mind. I felt as though you'd all think I was a horrible fiance if I didn't include him in this list though. He's pretty awesome, and I'm pretty lucky!
- Chocolate. Obviously.
This is just a small sample of the constant marathon of thoughts in my head. I'm all over the place! The great thing about having a blog is that you can write all of this stuff and nobody has to read it unless they choose to do so. This saves me from blabbering on to people I meet about things that don't interest them whatsoever. So thanks, on behalf of all of the people who I'd be annoying if it weren't for this blog.