A Photo Overload... OUR WEDDING!

As the wife of a wedding photographer, I understand how long it takes to edit an entire day of photos for each wedding.  I also understand that most brides are extremely impatient when it comes to waiting for their photos to be ready, and I swore that I would be different.  I lied. 
I checked Facebook approximately 79 times per day.  I stalked our photographers blog. I rushed home to check the mail. I was ridiculous.  
Finally, the day arrived. We had our photos, and I felt like it was Christmas.  There were hundreds of them. I loved them all. 
If you are getting married, hire Dylan and Whitney from En Vogue Photography. You won't regret it.
And now, what you've all been waiting for... our wedding photos... or at least a small portion of them. 



There are about 600 more that I'd love to share... but I'm pretty sure that I've wasted enough of your day already, and I can't tell you how frustrating it is to upload photos on Blogger.  I'm so happy with how the photos turned out, and how they highlight just how awesome our wedding day was! Yay! 

Mother's Day:

It was Mother's day in Australia this week. All the kids and the Dads were prepared something special. It was so cute hearing them secretly plotting in hushed voices, making secret cards and getting her a treat!

Michael and Skye made me a beautiful card together which they coloured. Dinner was served by le chef Michael: Roast beef with Yorkshire pudding and lots of roast potatoes and veggies on the side...Just mouth watering even remembering it!

On Monday, at school, there was a surprise for all the mommy's as well. Their nails were polished by the kids who not only massaged her but also brushed her hair and added a million and one hair clip.
The kids made fairy bread as well ( which consists of buttering a piece of bread and sprinkling some rainbow sprinkles). They also prepared a card with a pretty photo of each child. We received a beautiful flower pot, too!
So now, I am actually walking around with some funky colourful nail polish, each finger is of different colour.

Happy Mother's Day, hope you all enjoyed it! I know I did! Can't wait for next year!

Michael the Movie star!!!

 At work, Michael and his colleagues did a safety awareness video. Basically, it speaks for itself : promoting safety at work in order to go back safe, healthy and in one piece to the things you enjoy doing.

There are 2 kite surfers in this video and Michael is the kite surfer in the black rash vest and black shorts, with no hat on.

today's thoughts.

Oh my goodness... we have just started getting back some of the photos from our wedding photographers, and they are awesome. Like, crazy good... our wedding looks like a fairy tale.  My wedding photographer husband even thinks so, and he can be a pretty hard person to please. I promise to share them with you all, once we have more.  Promise. 
Today I've been married for 2 weeks, and life is finally settling back into normalcy. Not that I know what that is.  I haven't had this slow-paced of a life in several years, and though I'm trying to make the most of it... I'm ready for excitement. The wedding was a good way to keep me distracted from the fact that I am, and have been in the same city for months.  I haven't been flying. I work a normal Monday-Friday job.  Things are looking up in terms of getting back to the skies, but due to the length of time that I've been on the ground, I'm going to be forced to re-certify.  That sucks. Training is not fun, at all, but if that's what it takes... sign me up. 
I'm going to be honest with you... this year got off to a pretty rough start. I was told that I couldn't work. The reasoning was ridiculous, and to no fault of my own. I was angry, upset, and things were feeling pretty hopeless. It's not often that you find a career that you love, and then have that taken away from you. I felt as though my entire identity was lost. I was Krysta, the flight attendant. I had been since 2009.  I knew nothing else, and I had no desire to.  I didn't blog much about it, because it made me so upset.  I picked up jobs that I hated, just trying to contribute to our mortgage payments on the house that we'd bought just months prior, when all in life was perfect.   I was planning a wedding, and questioning why the man that I was marrying still wanted to go through with it. I won't deny that I was miserable and not much fun to be around. I'm so thankful that he was supportive and loved me even when I was a grumpy-pants for weeks on end.  
Eventually, I found another job that didn't involve waitressing or working for minimum wage.  I actually enjoyed it, as much as possible for a job that didn't involve air travel.   I'm still working there, and content with my routine... but not-so-secretly yearning for the life that I had before.  
This weekend Ryan and I drove back and forth watching planes takeoff and land at the Calgary airport. We could have spent hours there. We were like 2 kids in a candy store.  Heck, we were like ME in a candy store.  It's evident that until I'm back in the skies, nothing will fill that void. I'm restless on the ground. I need the thrill of takeoff. I need some turbulence. I  need adventurous layovers that I can't wait to come home and blog about.  I need to be that girl that can inspire others to chase their dreams and believe that anything is possible. That was me before, and it will be again.  I just have to learn the art of patience.  
On another (completely random) note, I'm a married lady now, and thus Krysta Larson is technically no longer my name. Well, I've yet to legally change it, but I plan to. Eventually. In my personal life, I'll from here on out be known as Krysta Shippelt (which is still crazy strange, even just to type). I'm still torn as to whether I change it online or not. Also, someday when I'm a big shot travel journalist traveling the world with my travel photographer husband, I'll need to decide what is a better title to have on my published books and various articles. Any thoughts?  Krysta Larson.  Krysta Shippelt.  Which book would you be more likely to buy? 


We may have had a wedding in paradise, but we didn't get much of a honeymoon. Sure, there were the 2 days after the wedding that we spent in Mexico, but we were with friends and family both days... nothing spells romance like hanging out with your parents. (We love our parents... but you know what I mean...)  
To make up for it, we decided to spend last weekend in one of our favourite places... Canmore, in the gorgeous Rocky Mountains. It wasn't our official honeymoon.... that won't take place until around September, but it was still a nice little getaway for just the two of us! 
Rather than bore you all with my stories of our newlywed bliss, I'll just share some photos...