On the Beach...

We are spending Christmas holidays on the beach most of the time.

Skye loves the beach, especially when the boys are around. They have so much fun together.

The water is Brrrrrrr, but it is still warm to just sit and relax on the sand...As long as noone comes running with a bucket of cold water at you!!! Other than that,it is relaxing.

Have a warm holiday wherever you are.

My 3rd Christmas with Daddy and Mommy:

Ooh! Look! What is that???

"Hey! Santa was here!!!" She says. (So cute.)

Ooh! For me??? Really???

Thank you Santa!

Then, later in the afternoon, she checks under the Christmas tree and inside her stockings, asking for more presents!

Christmas Party at our friends' place:

The lady at the ball.

Ho ho ho!

"Skye not like Santa."She says, but she will take the gifts!

Ooh, look out! Here comes the Polar Express movie. And the room is quiet and still. It is actually so quiet, you could hear them breath.

Happy Birthday Daddy!!!

Happy Birthday Daddy!!

We love you!!


Ice cream cake!


This French girl, Tippi, was born in Namibia, in June 1990.
Grew up in the jungles with her parents who are wild life photographers.
They documented her life with the animals. She went back to France @ age 10.

My brother Fadi, the Gigolo...

I just stumbled upon a fine discovery...A brilliant picture of my handsome brother on his facebook. I never knew you can get polished so well bro... Hahaha.
This picture is brilliant...Miss you.

Husband of The Year Award...

The honorable mention goes to :
The United Kingdom

followed closely by...
The United States of America

and then...

but 3rd Place must go to...

it was very very close but the runner up prize
was awarded to.....

but the winner of the husband/partner of the year is...

Ya gotta love the Irish.
The Irish are true romantics.look, he's even
holding her hand...

Guess what the artist used to make this picture???

An artist needed 3 605 cups of coffee in order to create this portrait of Mona Lisa at Sydney, Australia.
The 3 605 cups of coffee were filled up with different quantity of milk in order to produce the different shades of colours!

It is a shame the name of the artist was never mentioned...

Halloween 2010...

A friend of ours invited us to a Halloween party. The kids loved it and played all night riding their bikes around and around the big yard. Luckily, we went to a baby market which sold second hand items the day before the party and I managed to find a green motorcycle for her, like the rest of the boys for 50 dhs!

As a two year old toddler, Skye decided not to wear a costume this year and of course no one can force her. So she went as herself, wearing a dress with a party attitude, insisting on having lots of fun...And we all did!

Skye even went to bed at 9:30 which is a first!

There was also a daughter and father pumpking carving competition which Michael and Skye won. They carved a Jack the Winker pumpking with the help of Martha Stewart's arts and crafts ideas over the internet.

You have to know that these 3 boys and Skye have history together. They have known each other since they were born! We actually meet up at least once a week so they can play, fight and share or Not share toys!

Hope everyone had a good Halloween and if you don't like this holiday or you don't celebrate it...well, it is another excuse to have a party and get surrounded by friends, isn't it?

Our pumpkin. What do you think?

The Bikers! Vrrooommm!!!